
Internet Research Directions:

  1. Go to
  2. Login “groliergo24” and password “blue”.
  3. Type your research topic in the white search bar and press enter.

-If your topic does not show up, check the spelling.

-Click “Articles”.  Notice the reading levels.

  1. Finally, print out one or two selections for your topic and bring them to class. Do NOT print without your parents’/guardians’ permission!

*Reminder: This is NOT a time to look up specific facts for your note cards. You are simply locating your online resource(s) to have available when we begin the note taking process.


Typing Directions:

Students will type their final paper at home.

Font: Times New Roman or Century Gothic

Size: 16

Title (place on top of first paragraph): Any font (no larger than size 30)

Special instructions: Indent each paragraph with the TAB key (press once)

Title page: Center alignment- First and last name, date, and research topic (see link below for example)

Title page

Trouble Printing??

  1. Please email
  2. Upload essay as an attachment.
  3. In the email subject line, please type “Research- Student Name- Please Print”.
  4. Please retrieve from Mrs. Konas when arriving to school.





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